Why we LOVE GREE Heat Pumps – 5 Top reasons to go GREE!

After installing various brands of heat pumps, we have found that GREE heat pumps really do offer the best value and quality for the money spent.  They are much more cost-effective than some other popular brands, and have some of the fewest service related issues.  Their extremely efficient performance, quality and scale of manufacturing allow them to offer an extremely quality product, backed by some of the best warranties in the industry at an affordable price point.

Why there are many reasons to love GREE brand heat pumps, here are our TOP Five:

1 – GREE Heat Pumps come with a 10 year parts, 10 year compressor, 10 year labour
     Transferable warranty.  *Most brands do not carry transferable warranties.  It’s never fun to move
into a new home thinking you have a warranty only to find out when there’s a problem that it’s not
transferrable to a new homeowner.  With GREE, you can share this warranty with a buyer of your
home, adding to it’s value.  

2 – GREE heat pumps boast cold ratings of -30 & -35 degrees Celsius- keeping you warm on
      the coldest days.  This is great for those of us living in a cold Canadian environment.  Many
insurance companies are starting to get on board with considering ductless heat pumps as a primary
heating source due to their new technologies allowing for operation in deep cold temperatures.

3 – GREE redefines efficiency, exceeding industry norms for HSPF  (Heating
Performance Factor of 15) and SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio of 23)- saving
money on your energy bills! These energy efficient ratings are also important when
qualifying for government grants that may be available.

4 – GREE heat pumps feature WI-FI connectivity and Smart Controls, allowing you to control
your comfort from any location using a mobile app.

5 – GREE ductless heat pumps allow you to mix-and-match.  Your home is unique, so why not have an
option for maximum versatility in your space.  With GREE heat pumps, not only do you have the
ability to install a high-wall head, but you can also include a floor console as well as ceiling
giving you maximum versatility in your space.

We’ve read online that GREE is one of the largest manufacturers of heat pump components worldwide.  Gree’s manufacturing facilities are so advances they have manufactured parts or various heat pumps in certain markets for the following brands: Tosot, Daiken, Fujitsu, Panasonic, GE, Carrier, DeLonghi, Shart, York and Electrolux- There are likely others that we have not mentioned.

GREE has a wide variety of ductless heat pump options and also has an incredible ducted system.  If warranty, efficiency, and value for the money are important to you, it’s worth a closer look at a GREE heat pump system for your home. 



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